According to the Mckinsey report issued more than a decade ago, just a quarter of…
KompassJune 10, 2021

Q) Audience would like to know more about Kompass Junior College and what do you…
KompassJune 3, 2021

The Indian Cricket Team had won only against East Africa in the World Cup editions…
KompassJune 2, 2021

Soumen @ Kompass Connect Hear out the Visionaries! Kompass emerges stronger from the times of…
KompassMay 17, 2021

Get a real experience of our indigenously developed Kompass Curriculum, which relies on teaching…
KompassApril 28, 2021

Kompass believes that a student's success is a shared interest of both college and family.…
KompassApril 22, 2021

Management is an art, and not limited to its learning only at B-schools. It is…
KompassApril 21, 2021