BlogNews Kompass Junior College English Class in progress. Kompass Class in progress- various strategies to keep the students completely engaged and create an…KompassApril 15, 2021
BlogCEC College in HyderabadCollege in Hyderabad KOMPASS ACADEMY IS NOW KOMPASS JUNIOR COLLEGE Kompass Junior College formerly known as Kompass Academy is a pioneer in its focus on…KompassApril 5, 2021
AcademicsBlog English is not a mere subject, it’s a language During the time of colonization, the English Language entered India. Our ancestors were made familiar…KompassNovember 12, 2020
BlogOnline Learning Daily Study Plan – how to make one that really works for you Most of the students come to us, with an objective - either they want to…KompassSeptember 2, 2020